Her musical influences came to her in the back seat of the car from her parents, who used to listen to Madonna, Roxette, Queen, Abba, Bee Gees, Boney M, Mecano or Alaska, among others. She also highlights the influence that her grandmother gave her for classical music and her special admiration for the rock, and more particularly, for the AC / DC guitarist Angus Young (the reason why Paytem is sometime called “Big Jack”).
However, she gives special importance to Michael Jackson: “He saved me. I would not be the same without his influence, at all levels. I was only me when I was alone and I listened to him. I dreamed that someday I could decide what to do by myself and get on a stage with high heels and a shiny suit, “she says.
She debuted in the fashion world at the age of 2, and under the name of Monica Sanz, she lent her image to brands like Armani, Valentino, Versace, Schwarzkopf, L’Oreal and she appeared in prestigious magazines like Vogue and Marie Claire. Her ascendant career gave her, in words of Víctor Cucart, the renowned “photographer of the stars”, the nickname of “The Goddess”.
Paytem said that the best thing of being a supermodel were the eating disorders she suffered which, according to the singer, helped her to know herself. However, the anorexia, along with the serious injury she suffered in her right foot while preparing a choreography at 12, caused the delayed of her foray into the world of music until 2008.
She left her career in 2005 to start studying Media Production at a private and Catholic University and after graduating with honors in 2007, she returned to work.
Since 2010, without a closing deal about the release of her first album, she presented two singles. “Irresistible,” her first single, was released on January 27, 2010 and “ Stupid Groupie” was released 10 months later. The popularity of the second single delayed its own release because Stupid Groupie could only be acquired through the official site. Its launch was announced for October 19, but the visits from Asia did not allow the worldwide release until October, 21.
With two singles on sale, she offered some concerts in cities like New York, Los Angeles, London, Berlin, Barcelona, Las Vegas and the one in Tokyo, at Lexington Queen Room, took a number enough of people, to repeat the show when the first one was finished.
Speaking to the TV show, Magabusiness, still being interviewed as Monica Sanz, confirmed that the singer was still working in the studio, waiting to reach an agreement to launch their first album.
Through her personal blog on her official website on August 19, 2011, she announced her desire of leaving behind the model and become Paytem Jane.
On december, 2013 she released her first album, SHOW.
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